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Join An Advanced High Tech Forward Look Security Team

Advanced Training

Advanced VR training designed to redevelop your brain with faster differential instincts and highly tactical planning.

You will also be VR trained to fly various helicopters and airplanes and drones..

High Tech Command Center

Our global command center is located in Georgia and can monitor and control operations via video monitoring, remote control and logistic management of vehicles and personnel as well as drones

Individuals or agencies that attend training courses are granted certification. Ask for StarForce competency certification when selecting a security firm.

i-Zone-3 Technologies also designs and manufactures is own security droids for lease and sale and manages a central command hub for any participating operations.

Call 770 997 9131 or
Call/Text/WhatsApp 678 559 4405 for service

VR Training Pods

The US Airforce concluded that VR combat training vastly improved fighter pilot readiness and agility... The same training options exist for inner city speed driving as well as tanks and space craft.

Command Center

Our command center can monitor all operations. We can track people and vehicles as well as monitor video feeds and sensor triggers. We can also remote control drone activity.