Basic strategic Thinking

A series of competitive exercises designed to widen strategic comprehension.



1 Person vs 1 Person

Are you a business partner, CEO or Team Lead?

If so, you recognize the importance of excellent and efficient team communications, well thought out strategy, and correct execution. You also recognize the need for goals and targeted focus in achieving them.

It's a competitive, unfair world out there. You need to stay ahead, and win.

3 Hrs
$250 per person - 2 people total - spectators allowed.

1. 10 Minutes to preview manual
2. 10 Minutes discussion on techniques
3. 15 Minutes practical training - soldier motion controls, weapon selection

5 minutes free discussion and snacks

4. 10 Minutes Round 1 Infantry Battle - Suez Canal Map
5. 15 Minutes Round 2 Infantry Battle - Re-Run Suez Canal

Winner gets 10 points

6. 15 Minutes Flight Sim - VR L39 takeoff and Landing Demo and discussion

5 minutes free discussion and snacks

7. 15 Minutes Person 1 to take off, fly and land
Success earns 10 points
8. 15 Minutes Person 2 to take off, fly and land
Success earns 10 points

9. 10 Minutes Training on Virtual Reality Space Combat
10. 15 Minutes Person 1 Space Combat Mission
Success earns 10 points
11. 15 Minutes Person 2 Space Combat Mission
Success earns 10 points

5 Minute Demo of VR Range
A coin is tossed to determine order in VR range
The weapon used will be a P90 automatic

12. 5 Minutes Person 1 VR Range
Person 2 Observes
Score multiplied by 1.5

13. 5 Minutes Person 2 VR Range
Score multiplied by 1.3
14. Discussion and certification and winner awards.

Break Area

Team vs Team

Virtual Reality Flight Pods

Surround Vision Flight Sims